WPGTA 세계프로골프지도자협회

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General rules
Welcome to WPGTA.

General rules

Chapter 1 General Provisions

(Purpose) WPGTA (World Professional Golf Coaches Association) considers user information very important and has established personal information protection policies such as the Communications Secrets Protection Act and Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization to protect personal information provided by users. We prevent unfair use of customer information and protect customer rights. Through the personal information protection policy, the Association informs you of how and for what purposes your personal information is being used and what measures are being taken to protect the information. The Association's personal information protection policy may be changed from time to time due to changes in relevant laws and government guidelines and changes in the Association's internal policies. If the Association's personal information protection policy changes, the changes will be posted and announced on the www.wpgta.kr website.

Chapter 2 Collection purpose and use of personal information

In order to provide more useful services to members, the Association collects member information through membership registration and event participation, and does not collect additional unnecessary information other than customer information. However, in addition to the required fields, you may receive optional fields when special services or various events are provided.

Chapter 3 Personal Information Protection Policy

The Association manages collected personal information through a system using various security devices. In addition, the Association does its best to protect personal information by minimizing the number of people who have access to personal information and providing training to all employees on personal information protection. Member's personal information is basically protected by ID and password, and the member is responsible for all management of the ID and password assigned to the member. Therefore, members must ensure that their password is not exposed when accessing wpgta.kr online, especially in public places, and must close all active browser windows after using the service.

Chapter 4 Personal Information Collection Items

Required information New registration - ID, password, password reissue Q&A, name, resident registration number, address, phone number, e-mail, etc (Purpose) Residential number is used to verify customer's real name and age of majority At the time of commerce - content & payment information at the time of commerce (credit card number, bank account number, etc.), contact information, etc. (Purpose) Payment information: Verify payment method and customer's real name Event & Survey - Collecting information necessary for event effect analysis and post-management (winner confirmation, product delivery, etc.) or statistical analysis of survey results when conducting various events and surveys (Purpose) Use for statistical figures and follow-up management

Chapter 5 Privacy Protection and Obligation to Express Opinions

Members may legitimately submit inquiries and opinions to www.wpgta.kr via phone, fax, bulletin board, email, etc. Customers have the right to privacy protection regarding the use of services and various activities within the site.

Chapter 6 Protection Policy for Minors and Children

In order to protect children's personal information, the Association restricts the use of paid information by members under the age of 14.

Chapter 7 Personal information viewing and correction methods and procedures

Members can view the member information they provided, and have the right to request correction and deletion (including the right to withdrawal/cancellation). You can view, edit, and cancel your membership information, or follow the order set in the ‘Personal Information Management’ menu after logging in to wpgta.kr. (However, in case of modification of member information, changes to ID or name cannot be modified according to the registered member's real name system policy. If the above information is changed, you must cancel your membership and re-register)

Chapter 8 Retention and Use Period of Personal Information

The member's personal information is retained while the member receives services as a member of www.wpgta.kr and is used to provide services. Member information is stored for up to 30 days from the time of membership withdrawal (subscription termination) or when the purpose for which it was provided is achieved. (However, when a member uses paid content or e-commerce, the member's personal information and transaction history may be stored in case non-payment, return, refund, sales cancellation, etc. may occur after the fact. It may be retained for a certain period of time, and exceptions are made in cases where preservation is necessary pursuant to the provisions of related laws such as the Commercial Act.)

Chapter 9 Use of Personal Information

The Association does not provide personal information to third parties without member consent. However, in the following cases, as an exception, information may be provided to a third party without the member's consent. - When there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of the law or in accordance with procedures and methods established for investigative purposes - When necessary for payment settlement by partners for service provision - When personal information is provided in an unidentifiable form for marketing purposes such as various events, surveys, and customer preference analysis If the Association provides personal information to a third party not specified in the Personal Information Protection Policy and Terms of Use, it will seek consent by informing or notifying the member in advance. If the Association does not agree to the provision of such information, the personal information will be It is not provided to third parties. However, if you do not agree to provide personal information, you will not be able to participate in specific services or events.

Chapter 10 Sharing and Provision of Personal Information

If necessary in relation to various events occurring on the website www.wpgta.kr, the Association may provide member personal information to the event organizer with the member's consent. The user's name, address, phone number, etc. may be provided to the relevant shopping mall company, paid content provider, delivery company, etc. in order to provide services, such as when members use e-commerce and paid content. wpgta.kr posts advertisements to provide various contents for free. In order to deliver these advertisements, we only provide statistical figures on the types of members targeted by advertisements to companies or organizations that wish to advertise. Other than that, we do not provide any personal information that can identify your personal information

Chapter 11 Freedom of Membership and Withdrawal

To sign up for membership, you must agree to the Terms of Use, and when withdrawing membership, you will also go through a process of clearly notifying that your personal information will be destroyed and your rights as a member will be terminated upon withdrawal. (*Caution: If you cancel your membership, all member information records will be immediately discarded so that they cannot be reproduced, and rights such as ID will also disappear. Therefore, you must be careful when requesting recovery as it is not possible.)

Chapter 12 Personal Information Protection Manager

The Association is doing its best to protect customer information and prevent leaks by having a person in charge of managing personal information. E-mail: ktpusan@daum.net TEL: 051-805-2827 Supplementary provisions 1. (Enforcement date) This personal information protection policy is effective from January 1, 2002
